Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fall Seven Times, Stand Up Eight

Fall down seven times, Stand up eight has become my mantra of proverbs lately. It seems I continually set up goals only to see them go to the wayside under the everyday pressures of life and thus life continues to bounce me about with do clear direction.
So.. I here we go once again. I started a blog over at word press to journal my spiritual discovery and learning path.
Let's re-look at the goals I set for May and see where I stand
Goal 1. stay in touch with friends...... fail I sent out 1 email.

      ****   This week I will send out an email to at least 2 friends, check in on facebook, and check in on my pagan learning groups.

Goals 2-4. Fail... didn't really get any of my reading done. Instead I crawled inside the television and escaped the real world into the world of Numb3rs on netflix. Netflix has all 118 episodes. YaY!! I love this show. And yes watching 1 show here and there throughout the week would be okay but no I left the world and watched 4 and 5 shows a day.
    **** This week I will focus on Wicca for Beginners and work on the first chapter in the depression workbook. I will make a goal to have this reading done before watching television or playing a video game.
Goal 5. Success... I was able to keep my house clean and my laundry caught up throughout the week. I didn't lose progress until Friday night and plan on getting caught back up first thing tomorrow morning. I know I can do this. I even started to de-clutter the house and took out at least 3 bags of clothes, unused items, and knickknacks that we just don't need. I donated to our local Goodwill.

6. Fail ... I think the earliest I went to bed last week was 2 am, staying up till 3 or 4 am most nights. Making getting up in the morning at 6am very very difficult. In fact most mornings unless DH had to be at work in the am I didn't crawl out of bed till 11am.

   *****This week I will set my alarm and get up regardless of how tired I am in hopes of forcing me into bed at an earlier hour. My thought is if I am tired I will go to bed. Most often I stay up because I can't sleep. I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling so instead of staring at all the many crevices on the ceiling I stay up and watch Numb3rs or play Dragon Age.

7. Fail... Sigh.. .I tried, I really tried but I opened my eyes and it seemed all the pressures of life closed in. DH was yelling at kids for one reason or another and my thoughts spiraled down hill from there at a rapid pace.

 *****I will get up with the DH and kids and be there to help out before the yelling starts. I will smile and tell myself that it will be a great day as I get out of bed.

8. Success.... I haven't posted on the coven in a while but I have checked in and read a few posts. This week I will post as well as read.

9. Success.... I love watching Numb3rs. I felt relaxed and enjoyed watching it. I also taught myself the basic knit stitch and make a coaster for my cups while I sit on the couch watching Numb3rs. It was a great sense of accomplishment learning to knit and doing my first project. Yes it was a small project but I took yarn and turned it into something usable. Go Me!!

10. Fail...  Dragged myself out of bed, rinsed off in the shower and dragged myself upstairs to face the day... Not exactly how I want to start my day. I want to start the day smiling and feeling good.
I will keep working on this.

As I sat back took look over my post and realized my desk area is horrible. It is very cluttered and overrun with papers everywhere. It seems when my feel lost and chaotic on the inside the environment around me is chaotic. I wonder if their is some deeper reasoning or connection to this being so. Hmmm something to ponder. But in the meantime... tomorrow I must clean up my desk and make it neat again. :)

I feel better once again. Working on this post has given me a renewed since of accomplishment. I will have a better week and have a better success rate at reaching my goals.

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