Friday, October 31, 2008

Life Has Its Up and Its Downs

It seems that no matter how hard one tries to be positive there are days that it is just hard. Life is full of ups and downs and I guess it is what we do about the down times that make the difference. We can try to be grateful for what we do have and look for the lesson life is trying to teach us or we can throw our hands up in surrender and let the darker feelings take over.
Life for me has taken a turn for the downside of things, I am having financial trouble, relationship trouble, and of course the ever present trouble that a parent has when they have headstrong teenagers who think they know it all.
I admit I initially threw my hands up in the air and let the depression and anger take over but I realize that it is solving nothing. I only feel worse and worse everyday. So.... the first step is to pick yourself up and decide to face the problems head on. I need a budget and we need to find Dennis a job. Dennis and I have started to work on our problems by communicating. It is amazing how much can be solved just by honestly talking with one another. I mean talking not yelling or the I am right you are wrong routine but down to earth two way communication. And as for the teenagers well... if anyone has any suggestions I am listening.
Your frame of mind has a lot to do with how you handle these situations as well. You have to fall back on the positive thinking. You have to believe that it will get better and then find those solutions. Take action, life is not going to fix itself without action on your part. You have to be willing to get out there and find your solutions. If you fail, don't give up just keep trying things till it works for you. So in conclusion, when life takes a down turn look at what you do have, keep communication lines open and take action and troubleshoot the problem to find your solutions that will work in your life.

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